A Boiler upgrade is currently underway with an estimated completion date of 30 September 2024, based on progress
to date, we expect the project to be completed on time.

Fire doors
You will have received correspondence from Willmott reporting the findings of fire inspections of recent individual flat front
doors. Please address this as soon as possible.

Service Charges – protocol for late payment
The Board discussed the current arrears procedure, and it was agreed this should be shortened to comply with the 21-day
arrears period as specified in the lease.

A streamlined arrears procedure for Handel Mansions was agreed to take immediate effect with June 2020 demands, as

14 days after the due date – a reminder letter issued.

7 days after the reminder letter – final notice was issued with advice solicitors will be instructed without further notice, and
interest on arrears will be charged.

Megaflo Maintenance
The Megaflo is a large hot water tank in the airing cupboard. The Megaflo has to be “regenerated” at least every 6
months, otherwise water will come out of the overflow onto your balcony and the hot water tank will not be very efficient. A
recent letter from Willmotts explains how to do the regeneration – otherwise, get hold of Glen the plumber.

Landlord and Tenants Act 1985 – section 20 procedures
Recently, leaseholders will have received letters from our Managing Agents (Willmotts) under Section 20 of the above Act.
I will try and explain this procedure – which is mandatory and cannot be changed.

In a property with unequal service charge contributions such as Handel Mansions, if the Landlord (Board) decides to
spend over a calculated amount, the Board must consult leaseholders if anyone would have to pay more than £250. This
is a statutory requirement and the procedure comes in three proscribed parts:

1. A notice of intention This has to describe the proposed works and the necessity for the works.

The lessees must be given 30 days notice to respond and nominate a contractor if they so wish.

2. Notification of Estimates This must include details of at least 2 estimates (inc VAT) and give Lessees 30 days to

3. Notification of award of contract This must be sent to Lessees within 21 days of awarding a contract with reasons why a
particular contractor has been selected and must include a summary of any Lessees observations.

As you can see, having decided that certain works need to be carried out, the Board cannot proceed until 60 days have
elapsed and the statutory procedures have been carried out.

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